Taxa der Veröffentlichung Hormiga et al. (2023)

Hormiga, G., Kulkarni, S., Arnedo, M., Dimitrov, D., Giribet, G., Kallal, R. J. & Scharff, N. (2023): Genitalic morphology and phylogenomic placement of the Australian spider Paraplectanoides crassipes Keyserling, 1886 (Araneae, Araneidae) with a discussion on the classification of the family Araneidae.

Publizierter Name Aktueller Name
Artiphex Artiphex
Deliochus Deliochus
Clitaetra Clitaetra
Herennia Herennia
Indoetra Indoetra
Leviellus Leviellus
Nephila Nephila
Nephilengys Nephilengys
Nephilinae Nephilinae
Nephilingis Nephilingis
Paraplectanoides Paraplectanoides
Paraplectanoididae Araneidae
Phonognatha Phonognatha
Phonognathinae Phonognathinae
Trichonephila Trichonephila
Zygiella Zygiella

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