Behningia nujiangensis Zhou & Bisset, 2019
- Name der Erstbeschreibung: Behningia nujiangensis Zhou & Bisset, 2019
- Holotyp: late instar nymph
- Typenfundort: Volksrepublik China: Yunnan Province, Lisaw Autonomous Prefecture of Nujiang, Shiyueliang County. A right-bank sandy bar on the main channel of the Nujiang River, 27.2612°N, 98.8810°E, 1,086 m a.s.l., Collected on February 13, 2019
- Verbleib: Kunming Natural History Museum of Zoology, Kunming, Yunnan Province, Volksrepublik China, KIZ0107183
- Etymologie: The specific epithet refers to the Nujiang River in southwestern China (upper reach of the Salween River), where this species was discovered.
- Paratypen: 10 late instar nymphs
- Deutscher Name: nicht bekannt
- Taxonomischer Rang: Art
- Taxonomischer Status: gültig
- Datenquelle: Zhou et al. (2019)