Taxa der Veröffentlichung Sherwood et al. (2023)

Sherwood, D., Drolshagen, B., Osorio, L. M., Benavides, L. R. & Seiter, M. (2023): An inordinate fondness for spinnerets: on some spiders of the genera Diplura C. L. Koch, 1850 and Linothele Karsch, 1879 with new species, records, and notes on types (Araneae: Dipluridae).

Publizierter Name Aktueller Name
Diplura nigra Diplura nigra
Diplura sanguinea Diplura sanguinea
Linothele abispa Linothele abispa
Linothele curvitarsis Linothele curvitarsis
Linothele gaboi Linothele gaboi
Linothele melloleitaoi Linothele melloleitaoi
Linothele wallacei Linothele wallacei
Linothele wiwa Linothele wiwa

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