Sherwood, D., Drolshagen, B., Osorio, L. M., Benavides, L. R. & Seiter, M. (2023): An inordinate fondness for spinnerets: on some spiders of the genera Diplura C. L. Koch, 1850 and Linothele Karsch, 1879 with new species, records, and notes on types (Araneae: Dipluridae).
Publizierter Name | Aktueller Name |
Diplura nigra | Diplura nigra |
Diplura sanguinea | Diplura sanguinea |
Linothele abispa | Linothele abispa |
Linothele curvitarsis | Linothele curvitarsis |
Linothele gaboi | Linothele gaboi |
Linothele melloleitaoi | Linothele melloleitaoi |
Linothele wallacei | Linothele wallacei |
Linothele wiwa | Linothele wiwa |
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