Chrysidea rioae Mita & Rosa, 2019
Chrysidea rioae Mita & Rosa, 2019
Quelle: siehe Bildnachweis
- Name der Erstbeschreibung: Chrysidea rioae Mita & Rosa, 2019
- Holotyp: Männchen
- Typenfundort: Madagaskar: Anosy, Berenty Reserve, 40 m, 25°00'28.7" S 46°18'27.3" E, 7-12.II.2018
- Verbleib: Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University (ELKU), Fukuoka, Japan
- Etymologie: The specimen was collected during the field trip in Madagascar from January to February 2018. After that, the holotype was displayed at the summer exhibition of the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo, Japan from July to October 2018. The species is named after Ms Rio Matsushima, a girl who visited the exhibition and heartily encouraged our study on this tiny blue wasp.
- Beschrieben: Männchen
- Deutscher Name: nicht bekannt
- Taxonomischer Rang: Art
- Taxonomischer Status: gültig
- Datenquelle: Mita & Rosa (2019)