Australara glaisteri Barr & Shepard, 2021
Australara glaisteri Barr & Shepard, 2021
Bildnachweis siehe Quellen
- Name der Erstbeschreibung: Australara glaisteri Barr & Shepard, 2021
- Holotypus: Männchen
- Typenfundort: Australien: north Queensland, Mulgrave River south of Gordonvale, 17.1028°S 145.7875°E, 94 ft, 18 I 2001
- Verbleib Holotypus: Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia (ANIC), Database Number 25-077640
- Etymologie: The specific epithet glaisteri, a noun in the genitive case, is given in honor of Alena Glaister of Monash University, VIC, who devised a successful method of rearing Australian larval elmids to adults, thereby enabling their association. She published an extensively illustrated identification guide to the larval Elmidae of Australia with keys and descriptive notes on taxonomy, distribution, and habitat. Few elmid researchers have attempted such work, and none have produced larval keys covering so many taxa.
- Paratypen: 2 Männchen
- Beschrieben: Männchen
- Deutscher Name: nicht bekannt
- Taxonomischer Rang: Art
- Taxonomischer Status: gültig
- Datenquelle: Barr & Shepard (2021)